CenturyLink’s AppFog v2 is supposed to have great support for New Relic. However, their documentation leaves a bit to be desired. Don’t be dissuaded: the setup process is almost comically simple. Here are the steps to set up AppFog with New Relic:
- First, sign up for New Relic (if you haven’t already) at [newrelic.com/appfog][https://newrelic.com/appfog].
- Go to to the “APM” (Application Performance Monitoring) section to create a new app.
- Select your language.
- Under step 1, click Reveal License Key.
That’s all we need from New Relic. Now it’s on to AppFog:
cf set-env [your-app-name] NEWRELIC_LICENSE: [your license key]
And you’re done! In about five minutes, the stats should start rolling in.
(A note: In my case, New Relic kept a warning on that page that no data had been received, so the app might not have been set up correctly. I bypassed this and manually reloaded, and it worked regardless.)