A random accompaniment on EVENTIDE

Published February 1, 2021 on Chandler Swift's Blog Source

How good can we make a random accompaniment sound? I was playing with EVENTIDE, William Henry Monk’s tune written for Abide with Me, and was pondering this. I was trying to play randomly on the piano from octaves and notes in the scale, but suspected my “randomess” of playing wasn’t particularly good. But what does have good randomness? Python! (If you don’t want to read the code, just check out the results at the bottom.)


# pip install pymusicxml
# https://pypi.org/project/pymusicxml/
# https://git.sr.ht/~marcevanstein/pymusicxml
from pymusicxml import *
from random import choice

score = Score(title="EVENTIDE", composer="Chandler Swift")
accompaniment = Part("Piano")


# First, we do some boilerplate. We generate the note names and octaves to be
# used later in the program. This section generates the 88 keys on a piano,
# with a result like ["a0", "bb0", "b0", "c1", "db1", ... "bb7", "b7", "c8"]
note_names = ["c", "db", "d", "eb", "e", "f", "gb", "g", "ab", "a", "bb", "b"]
notes_with_octaves = ["a0", "bb0", "b0"]
for octave in range(1,8):
    for note in note_names:
        notes_with_octaves.append(note + str(octave))

# to save some writing later, scales are major, minor, or dominant sevenths.
# I could have just written out "major" or "minor" everywhere, but simply being
# able to write `M` saves a fair number of quotes typed!
# Abide with me does have some slightly more complex chords than these three,
# but we can get nearly there with these. The biggest thing that I miss having
# is probably the nice Csus2/E that we have in the second bar and elsewhere.
dom7="dominant seventh"

# Now let's write out the notes. A C major scale is C D E F G A B; offsets from
# the starting C of 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 11 notes. The others are similar.
# After some playing around, I think I like the melodic minor best, but I'm
# still not sure. If we wanted, we could simplify any of these; perhaps omitting
# a 7 altogether from the major scale would be nice; for example, in the second
# chord in the first measure (assuming key of C, for simplicity), we really
# don't want an F# (the major seventh of the V chord, G). We could switch all
# of our V chords to V7 chords, and then at least we have F naturals instead of
# F sharps, but I was happy enough with the result here to let it be.
    M: [0,2,4,5,7,9], # M2, M3, P4, P5, M6
    m: [0,2,3,5,7,10], # M2, m3, P4, P5, m7
    dom7: [0,2,4,5,7,9,10]

# Here are the changes for the tune. Each tuple has the chord root (c, d, f, g, 
# and a, here), the chord type (major, minor, or dominant seventh), and the
# (whole) number of beats for which that chord is played. Hey, it's the world's
# lousiest lead sheet!
    # simplified, and transposed to C so I don't have to deal with accidentals
    # see also e.g. https://hymnary.org/page/fetch/LUYH2013/504/low
    ("c", M, 2),
    ("g", dom7, 2),
    ("a", m, 4),
    # ^ 2, Csus2/E 2
    ("f", M, 2),
    ("g", dom7, 2),
    ("c", M, 4),
    ("c", M, 4),
    ("f", M, 2),
    ("c", M, 2),
    ("d", m, 2),
    ("d", dom7, 2),
    ("g", M, 2),
    ("g", dom7, 2),
    ("c", M, 2),
    ("g", dom7, 2),
    ("a", m, 4),
    # ^ 2, Eb/G 2
    ("f", M, 2),
    ("a", dom7, 2),
    ("d", m, 4),
    ("g", dom7, 4),
    ("c", M, 1),
    ("g", M, 1),
    ("a", m, 1),
    ("f", M, 1),
    ("g", M, 2),
    ("g", dom7, 2),
    ("c", M, 4),
    # TODO: intro/outro

# We randomly generate an array of notes to be added to the score. So that we
# don't have to keep track of the measures, and since the notes are all the same
# duration, we just generate them all at once, and then slot 4*NOTES_PER_BEAT of
# them into each measure at the end.
notes = []

for chord in changes:
    chord_root, chord_type, beats = chord

    # Play the root of the chord
    tonic = chord_root + "3" # start in the third octave
    notes.append(Note(tonic, 1/NOTES_PER_BEAT, directions=StartPedal()))
    notes_left = beats * NOTES_PER_BEAT - 1

    # If the chord is held for longer than a beat, add a fifth in the bass. We
    # do this check specifically for the second measure of the last phrase,
    # which has four chords each held for one beat. If we added both the tonic
    # and fifth to each of those, we wouldn't have room for any random notes.
    if beats > 1:
        # add a major fifth above the tonic
        fifth = notes_with_octaves[notes_with_octaves.index(tonic) + 7]
        notes.append(Note(fifth, 1/NOTES_PER_BEAT))
        notes_left -= 1

    # fill the rest with random notes from the top end of the piano.
    while notes_left:
        interval = choice(scales[chord_type])
        octave = choice([4,5,6,7,8]) # Notes will be in the range of C4 to C8
        note = note_names[(note_names.index(chord_root) + interval) % len(note_names)]
        note_with_octave = note + str(octave)
        if note_with_octave in notes_with_octaves:
            #print(f"from {chord_root} {chord_type}, picked interval {interval}"
            #       "octave {octave} so note {note_with_octave}")
            directions=StopPedal() if notes_left == 1 else () # unpedal at the end of the chord
            notes.append(Note(note_with_octave, 1/NOTES_PER_BEAT, directions=directions))
            notes_left -= 1

# Now take those notes and break them up into measures
measures = []
first_measure = True
while len(notes) > 0:
    if first_measure:
        measure = Measure(
            directions_with_displacements=[(MetronomeMark(1.0, BEATS_PER_MINUTE), 0)]
        first_measure = False
        measure = Measure()
    notes = notes[NOTES_PER_BEAT*4:]

# and tack those measures onto the score.


# This bit adds the melody line to EVENTIDE. Mostly busy work, I debated not
# even including it.

voice = Part("Voice")

# I took a long time to convince myself that it wasn't worth it to reimplement
# lilypond to make this section work. We're like 80% of the way there, but the
# pareto principle suggests that it's still not worth it to get that last 20%.
e4 2 e4 1 d4 1 c4 2 g4 2 a4 1 g4 1 g4 1 f4 1 e4 4
e4 2 f4 1 g4 1 a4 2 g4 2 f4 1 d4 1 e4 1 f#4 1 g4 4
e4 2 e4 1 d4 1 c4 2 g4 2 g4 1 f4 1 f4 1 e4 1 d4 4
d4 2 e4 1 f4 1 e4 1 d4 1 c4 1 f4 1 e4 2 d4 2 c4 4
voice_notes = voice_notes.split()
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/15480540/3814663
voice_notes = list(zip(voice_notes[::2], voice_notes[1::2]))
# [('g4', '2'), ('g4', '1'), ('f4', '1'), ('eb4', '2'), ...]

current_measure = Measure(time_signature=(4,4))
beats_through_current_measure = 0
measures = []
for note, duration in voice_notes: # this only works because no notes are held through bar lines
    duration = int(duration)
    current_measure.append(Note(note, duration))
    beats_through_current_measure += duration
    if beats_through_current_measure == 4: # should never be greater than four, see above.
        # new measure
        current_measure = Measure()
        beats_through_current_measure = 0

score.append(PartGroup([voice, accompaniment]))

The code above is built off the pymusicxml python library, and is therefore licensed under the GPLv3.

If you want to run it yourself, here’s my Makefile:

	python eventide.py

Eventide.pdf: Eventide.xml
	musescore Eventide.xml -o Eventide.pdf

Eventide.mp3: Eventide.xml
	musescore Eventide.xml -o Eventide.mp3

Eventide.mscz: Eventide.xml
	musescore Eventide.xml -o Eventide.mscz

.PHONY: clean
	rm -f Eventide.xml Eventide.mp3 Eventide.pdf Eventide.mscz

all: Eventide.pdf Eventide.mp3 Eventide.mscz


Here’s one sample of the output. (This isn’t hand-picked from lots of results; it’s the result of the first complete run of the program.) You can view it on Musescore’s community site (embedded below), or download the MusicXML file, Musescore file, PDF, or MP3.

Bonus: While looking up information about EVENTIDE, I found that the Thelonious Monk Septet has a recording of Abide with Me!

Edited 2021-02-09 to add – Bonus bonus: What’s almost as random as random.choice()? Chickens! (Thanks Jeff!)

I don't have a formal commenting system set up. If you have questions or comments about anything I've written, send me an email and I'd be delighted to hear what you have to say!